Brand Activations

We specialise in creating effective brand activations for major record labels and alcoholic drinks companies. Our projects are designed to deliver superb branding, interactive shows and PR opportunities that connect directly with your target audience.

We understand the importance of reaching university students and those under 25, and we use our connections to provide a direct route to effectively engage with this demographic. Our expertise in the house party scene has allowed us to revolutionise the way brands connect with students across the UK. Our brand activations have transformed what was once a simple party with a Bluetooth speaker and LED light strips into a professionally run event that offers an unforgettable experience for both the brand and the attendees.

Our wealth of knowledge and experience in event planning allows us to make the process as smooth and stress-free as possible. We provide a complete package with the choice of additional add-ons, allowing your artists or brand to simply turn up to a fully furnished activation with video and content creators set up to capture the moment.

We understand that each brand has its own unique ideas, themes, and deliverables, which is why we creatively tailor each activation to meet your specific needs. Our approach ensures that you get the content you need to generate engagement and create a buzz around your brand. Since launching, we have worked with each major label and partnered with several drinks brands to bring a unique experience to audiences across the UK.

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What We Offer

Student Activations

Content Creation

Event Production

Gorilla Marketing
